Fenestra was a collection of four bodies of work. The Kerikeri River and So with Present Time prints are part of an ongoing series relating to water and the passage of time inspired by a Leonardo da Vinci quote
“In rivers, the water that you touch is the last of what has passed and the first of that which comes; so with present time”.
The three larger works use images taken in Hobart Australia, Tauranga Bay NZ and Tonga.
Part of the idea behind this is to show the similarities and connections between different places.

The Façade Series – were made in Hobart, Tasmania on an International Artist Residency in Aug/Sep 2016. The works began as collagraph plates made from paper and plaster. The prints and the plates were then scanned scanned and digitally collaged – print 1 with plate 6, print 2 with plate 5, print 3 with plate 4, print 4 with plate 3, print 5 with plate 2 and print 6 with plate 1.

The original collagraphs were abstract responses to the surfaces of the city, the buildings, walls, streets and textures. Façade relates both to the front of a building and a deceptive outward appearance.

The Fenstra Series are made using photographs taken of light, shadow and foliage through the printmaking studio windows. The images are manipulated, collaged and layered in Photoshop and printed as archival inkjets.

The final series Tree I – VII uses images of trees, ferns and textures from around the Wharepuke Subtropical Garden and the surrounding area.