Tiffany Singh & Yvette Sitten – Journey Through the Rainbow Alchemy Lab

Tiffany Singh & Yvette Sitten – Journey Through the Rainbow Alchemy Lab

August 28th to September 9th, 2017

Tiffany Singh

From August 28th to September 9th , Tiffany Singh & Yvette Sitten embarked on a visionary and visceral journey through the colour spectrum of the rainbow and the chakra energy centres representing the 7 levels between heaven and earth.

Tiffany Singh

Each day they worked with a specific vibrational frequency represented by ;colour. foods, aromas, herbal teas, sound and art practices all within the living practice alchemy lab.

Within this framework of colour therapy, the alchemy lab became a co-creation of all gathered and harvested elements working to transform the sensorial perceptions of the person engaging and partcipating in the gallery space.


Through complete immersion of the senses into a ritual space evocative of temple sanctums of old, colour becomes a transformative experience, both inside and outside. By adorning, wearing, ingesting and resonating with a colour ray and chakra energy every 2 days (7 colours/ chakras in total) we ascend through the spirals of colour consciousness linking earth, which begins the process and heaven, which finishes the connective process.

Tiffany Singh


Is a Social Practice artist, specialising in installation outcomes. Born in New Zealand of Indian & Pacific decent. Her practice explores the relationship between engagement in arts, culture & subjective well-being.

Since returning from India to New Zealand in 2008, Singh has worked on sustainable community outreach, exploring participation & engagement in the arts & focusing on an expanding range of research within the social sciences.

Her interest in cultural preservation combined with strong social & political discourse has seen her use the arts as a vehicle for education, outreach & empowerment. Singh has created significant works of scale in New Zealand and internationally. Her works often suggest positive impact by facilitating audiences through fine art frameworks to engender policy & advocacy of social cohesion. Her Social Practice approach is deeply informed by Eastern Philosophy with a lens towards acknowledging traditional devices that affect well-being to
foster unique art experiences.

Tiffany Singh


Is a holistic entrepreneur and alchemist specialising in the vibrational and magical properties found in nature, ancient beauty and health modalities. Her range of Aurora Alchemy oils & global reach have led her to share this knowledge all over the world, creating links and bridges between ancient cultures and modern foundations. She leads ceremonies and creates altar spaces in power spots, bringing groups into ritual and interpersonal ceremony with the land, elements, people, places and the reconnection of all memories.

Sitten was a producer for CNBC, National Geographic & Discovery Channel with a strong focus on arts programming, in particular executive producing South East Asia’s first shows on women leaders (Asian Working Woman) and female artists of Asia (Spirited Faces). She is the founder of the Butterfly Musketeers, a non-profit for raising  awareness on the NZ Monarch species.

Tiffany Singh Yvette Sitten

Tiffany Singh

The Project is archived here – Well Being Alchemy Tumblr

Download a PDF Journal Booklet about the Journey Through the Rainbow Alchemy Lab – A Daily Practice through the Chakra Wheels of Light

Thanks to Creative New Zealand for supporting the project