November 8 – 20 2018

Charlie Hooker is a multi-media artist, based in the UK. He is Professor of Sculpture at the University of Brighton and produces public sculptures and gallery installations involving sound, sculpture and performance. He also makes two-dimensional works which combine cyanotype and gum bichromate processes with heliograph prints.

Hooker`s sculptures, exhibitions and installations link aspects of art and science. Focusing on meteorology, climate change and astronomy, he employs natural phenomena such as wind, water, sunshine and cosmic rays to generate audible and visual spatial patterns, as well as his unique weather-generated monoprints.

Much of his work involves collaborations with scientists, notably physicists and meteorologists based at the Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, UK and The Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, University of Bergen, Norway.
His installations, sculptures and graphic works have been exhibited in numerous galleries throughout the UK, Europe, USA and Australia – to include the Tate and Hayward Galleries, De La Warr Pavilion and Haugar-Vestfold Kunstmuseum. He has work in many private and public collections, and has featured in radio and TV interviews, web-based publications, books and conferences.
Time Curves
Charlie came to the Wharepuke Sculpture park in November 2018 to create Time Curves, a permanent outdoor sculpture using natural materials from the surrounding location.

Charlie also gave an illustrated talk about his his work and the Time Curves project in the gallery during his stay.

For more information about Charlie Hooker and his work see his web site